Future procured funds
The organization is to be financed outside the state budget, in order to secure long term targets and independency. The organization will therefore be financed by fees, paid by 1) the fund companies participating in the procurements and 2) the fund companies that have been awarded and have signed fund agreements regarding procured funds.
1. Tender fee
Tenderers are to pay a fee to be able to submit a tender to a procurement, which should be payed to the Swedish Fund Selection Agency no later than at the time of submitting the tender. The fee is 18,000 SEK per tender and covers the Agency’s costs to review and evaluate the tenders.
2. Annual fee for procured funds
The annual fee can be described as a platform fee for the procured funds, that will cover the costs for the Agency’s operations. This fee applies to fund managers that have entered into fund agreements with the Agency regarding procured funds .
The annual fee amounts to 0,005 percent of assets under management on the premium pension fund platform for funds with low complexity, and 0,015 percent for funds with normal complexity. The fee is first charged when the procured fund is implemented on the fund platform. The fee is subsequently charged each quarter, based on the ingoing balance of assets under management each quarter.
Over time, the level of these fees will be reviewed to ensure that they are targeting the actual costs, and might therefore be adjusted. The Swedish Fund Selection Agency is also followed up on its operational efficiency in order to ensure efficiency.