FTN is preparing the procurement of sustainability analysis platforms
Later this year, The Swedish Fund Selection Agency (FTN) will procure Sustainability/ESG platforms for the analysis of financial portfolios (standardised and existing platforms that can be used by FTN off-the-shelf). As part of the background research, FTN has published a Request for Information (RFI).
FTN is responsible for procuring, monitoring, and quality-assuring the funds in the Swedish premium pension system, and to cater for a safer and higher pension for the Swedish pension savers. According to law, the funds selected by FTN must be sustainable and fulfil minimum criteria for sustainability.
FTN thus needs to evaluate sustainability commitments made by Fund Managers and control that the minimum sustainability requirements defined by FTN are met at the time of the procurement and throughout the contract period. The procured sustainability/ESG platforms will be used to quality assure and monitor the funds in the Swedish premium pension system, which currently has approximately SEK 2400 (EUR 200) billion in assets under management.
For more information about the RFI and to submit responses go to, e-Avrop - Swedish Pensions Agency External link.. Please note that all questions related to the content of the RFI Excel response template must be asked via www.e-avrop.com. External link.
The deadline for submitting a response to the RFI is August 30th, 2024.