Accessibility report
We describe here the accessibility shortcomings of the website and how you can contact us if you encounter information that is not accessible.
The Swedish Pensions Agency is responsible, as the host agency, for this website’s accessibility. Its aim is that as many visitors as possible will be able to use the website. Here you will find a description of how fulfils the Accessibility to Digital Public Services Act, known accessibility problems, and how you can report shortcomings so that we can remedy them.
A complete accessibility report will be presented after the site has undergone third-party testing.
How accessible is the website?
We are aware that certain parts of the website are not entirely accessible
What can you do if you cannot use parts of the website?
If you require content from that is not accessible for you, but that is exempted from the area of applicability of the Act according to the description given here, you can notify us.
Contacting the regulatory authority if you are not satisfied
If you are not satisfied with our compliance with accessibility requirements you can contact the Swedish Agency for Digital Government (DIGG), and express your concerns. For example, you might be dissatisfied with how we have handled your concerns, or perhaps you believe our interpretation of the legislation is incorrect. DIGG is responsible for supervision with respect to the Accessibility to Digital Public Services Act.
Complaint concerning inadequate accessibility, DIGG External link, opens in new window.
Content that is not accessible
Det innehåll som beskrivs här är på ett eller annat sätt inte helt tillgängligt enligt lagen om tillgänglighet till digital offentlig service:
The content described here is in one way or another not entirely accessible in accordance with the Accessibility to Digital Public Services Act:
- Some pages containing forms in which the user must enter information are not correctly constructed. This can cause problems with read-aloud assistive technologies. This will be addressed regularly.
- Certain data on the website are presented in the form of diagrams. These diagrams are not accessible, so we are working to provide alternatives to them, such as tables and text summaries.
- Pages that contain elements of changed language are missing notifications about this in the code. This will be addressed regularly.
- Documents in certain formats (Excel, Word, PowerPoint) may lack accessibility adaptation.
- We improve the documents regularly and as needed.
- Certain video clips may lack text and audio descriptions. We are working regularly to improve this.
How we test the accessibility of the website
Self-evaluations are done continuously through internal tests of Accessibility tests performed by a third party are being planned.